
Kiwicon is brought to you on the sweat of a thousand hackers brows, slaving for months to crack, code, trashtalk and tweet. However, when we need something more tangible, something more fiduciary, we turn to our sponsors, who have generously endowed us with cash, goods and non-creepy favours. We heartily endorse their product and/or service, and have subscribed to their newsletter. We encourage you to consider them when procuring newsletters yourself.

Mnemonic Courier: 

Sponsors in this category help to pay for prizes and gifts, craft crue supplies, green room goodies, assistance for unwaged/student tickets or accomodation, and more

  • Kaspersky Lab

  • Pulse Security

  • Assurance

  • Privasec RED

  • Elastic.co

  • Fire Eye

Zaibatsu : 

The all important zaibatsu sponsor will assist in paying for things like non alcoholic drink options, diversity related funding, caffeine, stage props (sheep), stage pryotechnics and subsided merch desk goodies, among other things.

  • Quantum Security
  • Google

  • Axenic

  • Bugcrowd

  • CatalystIT

  • Endace


The ultimate sponsor level, these sponsors will help to pay for things like the venue, our expensive lighting and sound rig and possibly a Gibson.

  • Spark NZ

  • Internet NZ

Tubular Engineering

Our most honourable (and very understanding) hosting provider, who has managed our disorganised array of hostile computer hardware since the beginning of Kiwicon.

  • SiteHost

Con' intertubes

We're embracing the cloud future we all know and love, so our entire CTF this year is hosted in AWS.
Big thank you to Amazon AWS for sponsoring the costs related to that.
We also need to thank Citylink for the Layer-2 fibre connection and Solarix for the Layer-3 goodness to make the CTF-spice flow.